Sunday, May 4, 2008

EVO compy finals - Kingsurf vs Zenith

Ks scourge: thd centaur(left) qop(mid) lina rk(right)
micro+tofu: es potm(left) necro(mid) skele tms(right)

es potm vs centaur thd
potm kept poking, no way to kill. but we didnt die (only when necro came up, i think)

necro vs qop
necro sure have advantage, but yamateh was farming equally fast or faster? (24min hex still)

skele tms vs lina rk
skele tms better (sentinel can lure), skele stole haste and got firstblood and tms got bottle so gg.

k thats why we lost to zenith i guess, they played better too.

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